...CRAFTING, of course! This Christmas i felt like a busy little elf down in my new workspace in the basement. I was SO happy that we fixed up this area because my husband would have gone CRAZY with the mess of my projects if i had to do them in HIS territory (teehee). Anyway, here are some pics of what i was up to for basically the whole month of December.
Recently a friend of my sister (and now a friend of mine) commissioned me to paint a mural for her baby's room. They are keeping the gender of their baby a surprise and wanted to keep it neutral. They are also huge fans of their alma-matter Auburn University which happens to have a grand tradition of rolling their famous oak trees with toilet paper after a big win. Sadly, this tradition now has an expiration date since an angry enemy fan poisoned the oaks and now they are dying. Because of this, my friends baby will never be able to participate in this time-honored act of celebration and this leads us to..... a mural of the famous Toomer's Oaks victoriously hung with paper.
Sorry the image quality isn't that great. I took this picture with my phone when i was done. Hopefully they will send me some pictures when the room is all finished. (They are carpeting the floor and doing some other work too. Its a good thing because they need to cover that huge paint spot I made because I "didn't have to be careful" hehe) |